Robbie Sapunarich

Weekly Update 03


This is the first entry that’s testing the fortitude of my commitment to regularly publishing here. It’s been a hectic week — good, but hectic. Much to process, and much of it to be thankful for. Time spent with family. A caring church. New opportunities. Lots of food. These entries have so far leaned heavily on diary entries and synthesized them, but the demands on my time and will this past week have left me with 0 entries to glean from, so this’ll be a shorter one.


I had the bright idea of starting Neal Stephenson’s Fall; or, Dodge in Hell and Fleming Rutledge’s Advent in the same week. Both are fairly hefty. I also tore through the third volume of Jeff Lemire’s Black Hamer today. I’ve been dipping into Faith Once Delivered, a collection of sermons from our Rector, Paul N. Walker.

My reading habits are fairly erratic.


Thankful for Disney+, as it allowed us to watch Home Alone 2 this week.


Gave Common’s Let Love another spin this week and it has yet to disappoint.

Not much internet reading this week.